Tuesday 3 September 2013

Narrative of a typical silent/comedy hybrid

When analysing narrative we analyse the construction of the story (how it's made basically) and when doing this we also need to consider what the story is about (not in too much detail however) for example the theme of it.

All media texts have a narrative. This is essential to remember when anaylsing a specific media text!
To analyse narratives we must look at:

Technical Codes

Any thing to do with the technical decisions made for a film. Thinking about what they would mean, and what's going on for the audiences. How can they help to make sense of the film and to help move the film along.  When it comes to technical codes of a silent/comedy hybrid, these are very important in showing the story since the actors cannot speak for themselves anyway.  These props and designs will also help to show what is happening in the movie, relating to which characters are important and what the main features the audience need to look out for are. Technical codes refers to any thing to do with camera angles, movement, lighting, sound, props, shot framing,design, layout, and editing.

Verbal CodesSimply the use of language how it's written or spoken or the signs contained in graphics. We can learn a surprising amount of narrative through what we are verbally told through the use of intertitles in the case of silent films. However, the film's that show rather than tell show the best narrative according to critics.  Verbal codes are harder to create to show the narractive without the use of speech because silent films are supposed to be silent, hint the name.  A silent/comedy hybrid is especially hard to create because the humour must also come through using the intertitles as well.

Symbolic Codes

These are the signs in the film that we pick up are important. For example the way someone dresses shows their class. Allowing audiences to create their own ideas and conclusion.  In silent movies because of the time they were made, a lot of the costumes were of that time or older. This included the 1920's style fashion where women wore dresses.  However to make a modern silent movie it would be harder to consider the costumes because the directors would have to consider going to the classical old fashioned films or modernise it with modern day clothes. 
Symbolic codes can also be referred to as certain items or belongings in the film. For example, in our trailer the "freak show" poster would be on the wall before the main character enters the dreams and then throughout the trailer including in the end intertitles background. 
Symbolic codes may refer to the uniform of someone as well, for example we can tell someones role in a film by what they wear. In a silent movie we can tell a police officer is an officer due to the uniform and baton (if they are UK officers).